It’s never too late to stop smoking for good.
It doesn’t matter how many years or how many cigarettes you smoked per day.
Your health will begin to show signs of improvement as soon as you quit.
Some health benefits are immediate, some are long-term.
Did you know that quitting smoking lowers your chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction and improves your chances of a healthy sexual life?
Here are some more facts that may help you to decide right now to be a non-smoker.
After just 12 hours – without a cigarette, your body begins to clear and cleanse itself of excess carbon monoxide, increasing your oxygen levels.
After 1 day – the risk of heart attacks begins to decrease.
In as little as 2 days – after quitting, you may notice your sense of smell returning and you begin to experience more rich tastes, as the nerve endings start to repair and heal.
After 3 days – the nicotine levels in your body reduce, this may cause irritability, mood swings, headaches and some cravings as the body re-adjusts, but it is re-adjusting.
After 1-3 months – the nicotine receptors in your brain will return to normal levels after about a month of being a non-smoker, your lung function begins to improve, lung capacity improves, you experience less coughing and shortness of breath, your circulation, sporting endurance and physical activity also improve.
Within 9 months – your lungs have significantly healed themselves and are working more productively, pushing mucus out and fighting infections.
Call me now- 0191 580 1548 be a non- smoker
After 1 year – the risk of coronary heart disease will decrease by half, arteries and blood vessels will begin to widen after five years. This widening means the blood is less likely to clot, lowering the risk of stroke.
After 10 years – the chances of you developing lung cancer and dying from it are halved, compared to someone who smokes. Also, the chances of developing mouth, throat or pancreatic cancer are significantly reduced, the body heals more and more.
So, with all those reasons to be free from a habit that is slowly or quickly taking your life away from you, what is your next step.
How do you achieve the desired outcome you want?

Find yourself in the silence of your mind
Hypnotherapy could be the answer you are looking for, the key to a healthier, happier life, imagine for me if you will, all the money you will save by not spending it on cigarettes, see it piled up in front of you, now imagine for me what you could spend that small fortune on, maybe a holiday, new car, gym membership, realistically anything you want is the answer.
Hypnotherapy can help you to achieve many things in your life, it gives you back the control you lost to the habit, whatever that habit was.
I have many years’ experience of helping people to quit smoking and overcome many other issues in their lives. I will be happy to assist you now to be free from this life taking habit. Having lost both my parents to lung cancer, I have personally experienced the devastation it brought to my family and me, it is my mission to help as many people as I can to quit, while they still have the option and the time to do so.
We each of us deserve a long, happy, healthy life, so reward yourself today, book a session, and begin that journey of discovery.
Make this the first day of the rest of your life.
Contact me- [email protected]
Check my website out, read some of my reviews
Or call me- 0191 580 1548