
Emotional Freedom Technique In Newcastle Upon Tyne

Are you looking for a holistic approach to improve your emotional well-being? EFT therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne might be the solution for you. In this article, we will explore the principles, techniques, and benefits of EFT therapy, as well as the various issues it can help with, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and phobias. We will also discuss what to expect during a session and how many sessions are typically recommended. Stay tuned to discover why EFT therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne could be the right choice for you.

What is EFT Therapy?

EFT Therapy, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, is a holistic approach that addresses emotions such as anxiety, cravings, anger, and hurt through acupuncture and tapping on the face and upper body, offered in Newcastle Upon Tyne by experienced therapists.

One of the key principles of EFT Therapy is the concept of restoring the body’s energy balance by tapping on specific meridian points while focusing on the negative emotions or trauma. This technique aims to release blocked energy and promote emotional healing and well-being. EFT therapists create a safe and supportive environment for clients to explore their emotions and experiences, helping them process and release emotional distress. The benefits of EFT Therapy extend beyond just psychological issues, as many individuals have reported improvements in physical symptoms and overall quality of life.

What are the Principles of EFT Therapy?

EFT Therapy is based on the principles of addressing emotional issues like anxiety, cravings, anger, and hurt through a combination of acupuncture and tapping techniques, enhancing mental well-being and fostering healthy relationships.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) primarily focuses on the concept that negative emotions are caused by disruptions in the body’s energy system. By applying gentle pressure on specific acupuncture points while verbalising emotional challenges, practitioners aim to reduce the intensity of these emotions. This holistic approach aims to release emotional blockages and restore balance within the individual’s energy flow, ultimately leading to a sense of emotional relief and overall well-being.

How Does EFT Therapy Work?

EFT Therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne operates by utilising techniques such as acupuncture and tapping to address emotional issues, in collaboration with clinical psychologists and therapists trained in cognitive-behavioural therapy and other psychological interventions.

Acupuncture targets specific energy points in the body, promoting balance and wellness, whilst tapping involves gently tapping on meridian points to release emotional distress. This combined approach helps individuals process and manage their emotions effectively, leading to improved mental well-being. EFT therapy sessions involve a holistic collaboration between clinical psychologists and therapists who tailor the treatment to the individual’s needs, drawing on various psychological techniques to address underlying issues. Through this integrated approach, clients can experience a comprehensive and personalised treatment plan that supports their emotional healing journey.

What are the Techniques Used in EFT Therapy?

EFT Therapy employs acupuncture and tapping techniques on specific acupressure points on the face and upper body to address emotions such as anxiety, cravings, anger, hurt, and trauma, offering a unique and effective therapeutic approach.

Acupuncture in EFT Therapy involves inserting fine needles into the skin at key acupressure points to stimulate the body’s natural healing response and restore balance in the energy flow. This technique is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, harnessing the body’s energy pathways to promote emotional well-being.

Tapping, another crucial aspect of EFT Therapy, entails tapping on meridian points with fingertips to reduce psychological distress and relieve trauma-related symptoms. By combining these methods, EFT offers a holistic approach to healing emotional wounds and promoting overall wellness.

What are the Benefits of EFT Therapy?

EFT Therapy offers a range of benefits, including alleviating anxiety, reducing cravings, managing anger, healing past hurt, and improving mental health through a holistic and personalised therapeutic approach.

EFT Therapy stands out for its ability to not only address surface-level symptoms but also delve deep into the root causes of emotional distress, providing individuals with long-lasting relief. By tapping into the body’s energy system, EFT facilitates the release of negative emotions and promotes feelings of calmness and balance. It offers a gentle yet powerful method for processing trauma, overcoming phobias, and enhancing self-esteem. The beauty of EFT Therapy lies in its versatility, catering to a wide range of emotional issues and promoting overall psychological well-being.

What Can EFT Therapy Help With?

EFT Therapy can effectively assist in managing conditions such as anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, phobias, fears, and pain, in collaboration with clinical psychologists and therapists experienced in addressing self-esteem issues.

It is an evidence-based intervention that utilises tapping on specific acupressure points on the body to address emotional distress and facilitate healing.

EFT Therapy has been found to be beneficial for enhancing relationships, improving communication skills, and fostering personal growth and development.

Individuals undergoing EFT sessions often report feeling more relaxed, balanced, and give the power toed in coping with life’s challenges.

Anxiety and Stress

EFT Therapy has shown promise in reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress, offering individuals coping mechanisms to manage overwhelming emotions and improve overall well-being.

This therapy, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques, involves gentle tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on the distressing issue. By targeting these points, EFT aims to release blocked energy and restore balance in the body’s energy system, thus reducing anxiety and stress levels. One of the key benefits of EFT is that it can be easily learnt and practised independently, allowing individuals to address their symptoms in real-time when needed.


EFT Therapy has the potential to address depressive symptoms by targeting underlying emotional issues, working with therapists and clinical psychologists to improve mental health and well-being.

By focusing on emotions and their effects on mental health, EFT therapy aims to provide individuals with effective tools to manage and overcome depression. Through collaborative efforts with professionals specialising in trauma and self-esteem concerns, this therapeutic approach delves deep into the root causes of emotional distress. By incorporating techniques such as tapping on specific acupressure points while discussing traumatic experiences, EFT Therapy offers a holistic approach to healing. Therapists guide individuals towards recognizing and addressing negative emotions, fostering resilience, and improved self-perception.

Trauma and PTSD

EFT Therapy offers a holistic approach to trauma and PTSD, integrating techniques to address deep-seated emotional wounds and promote healing in collaboration with clinical psychologists and therapists.

By combining the principles of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) with the expertise of mental health professionals, individuals are provided with a safe space to explore and process their trauma in a supportive environment. This collaborative effort allows for a tailored treatment plan that considers the unique needs and experiences of each person, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to healing.

Phobias and Fears

EFT Therapy can assist in addressing phobias and fears by utilising techniques that target underlying emotional triggers, offering individuals tools to overcome anxiety and build self-confidence.

By diving into the root causes of fear and phobias, EFT Therapy helps individuals to acknowledge and process their deep-seated emotions, facilitating a gradual release of negative thought patterns.

Through structured sessions, individuals learn to reframe their perspectives, replacing fear with a sense of give the power toment and control. The therapist guides the client through specific tapping sequences, focusing on acupressure points to rebalance the body’s energy flow and alleviate anxiety-driven responses.

Pain Management

EFT Therapy can play a role in pain management by addressing emotional components that contribute to physical discomfort, offering a holistic approach to improving overall well-being.

By diving into the root causes of pain, EFT Therapy aims to help individuals cope with their symptoms on a deeper level. Through the process of identifying and releasing emotional blockages, trauma stored in the body can be gradually processed and healed. This can lead to a reduction in the intensity and frequency of pain experienced, providing long-term relief rather than just temporary solutions.

What to Expect During an EFT Therapy Session?

During an EFT Therapy session, individuals can anticipate an initial consultation to discuss goals, intentions, tapping on acupressure points, and releasing negative emotions in a safe and supportive environment.

This introductory session typically involves the therapist guiding the individual in outlining their areas of focus and setting clear objectives. Through gentle tapping on specific meridian points on the body, known as acupressure points, the individual can initiate the process of emotional processing and resolution. Various tapping sequences and exercises are introduced to help release pent-up emotions and promote a sense of calm and balance.

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation in EFT Therapy serves as a foundational step to assess individual needs, establish goals, and create a personalised treatment plan tailored to address emotional challenges.

During this pivotal session, the therapist delves deep into understanding the client’s unique struggles, triggers, and desired outcomes. This initial assessment sets the tone for the entire therapeutic journey, laying the groundwork for effective interventions and progress tracking.

Individualised treatment plans are meticulously crafted to cater to the specific emotional requirements of each client, ensuring that the therapy is not only comprehensive but also highly targeted towards achieving desired results.

By placing a strong emphasis on this initial consultation, EFT therapists can gain valuable insights that pave the way for breakthroughs in emotional healing and relationship dynamics.

Setting Goals and Intentions

Setting clear goals and intentions in EFT Therapy sessions give the power tos individuals to focus on specific emotional targets, facilitating progress and growth towards emotional healing and well-being.

When individuals participate in EFT Therapy with a clear goal in mind, it provides a roadmap for their emotional journey, guiding them through the process of self-discovery and healing.

Establishing intentions within each session creates a sense of purpose and direction, allowing individuals to channel their energy towards addressing deep-rooted emotional issues.

This deliberate focus on key emotional targets not only accelerates the healing process but also cultivates a deeper understanding of oneself, leading to sustainable growth and lasting emotional well-being.

Tapping on Acupressure Points

The technique of tapping on acupressure points in EFT Therapy sessions is a key component that helps in releasing emotional blockages and promoting emotional freedom and well-being.

During an EFT session, the gentle yet specific tapping on these designated points on the body helps to stimulate the body’s energy system, facilitating the release of negative emotions and promoting a state of balance and harmony.

This method is based on the concept that emotional distress is caused by disruptions in the body’s energy flow, and by tapping on acupressure points, one can restore this flow and alleviate emotional burdens.

Releasing Negative Emotions

EFT Therapy sessions focus on releasing negative emotions by addressing underlying issues, promoting emotional release, and fostering a positive outlook towards personal growth and well-being.

During these sessions, individuals are guided through specific tapping techniques on acupuncture points in order to access and release emotional blockages. By identifying and processing these emotions in a safe environment, clients can experience a sense of relief and freedom from past traumas or negative experiences. This process allows for a deeper understanding of one’s emotional triggers and patterns, leading to emotional healing and long-lasting positive change.

How Many Sessions are Recommended for EFT Therapy?

The recommended number of sessions for EFT Therapy varies, with short-term therapy typically ranging from 1 to 5 sessions and long-term therapy extending to 6 or more sessions, based on individual needs and progress.

Short-term EFT Therapy involves a more focused approach, addressing specific issues within a limited number of sessions to provide immediate relief. On the other hand, long-term EFT Therapy offers a more in-depth exploration of underlying emotional patterns and triggers, requiring a longer course of treatment for sustainable healing.

The determination of the number of sessions in EFT Therapy is highly individualised, considering the complexity of the presenting concerns and the client’s responsiveness to the therapeutic interventions. Therapists continuously assess progress and make recommendations based on the client’s evolving needs and goals, ensuring the most effective outcome.

Short-term Therapy (1-5 Sessions)

Short-term EFT Therapy, typically spanning 1 to 5 sessions, focuses on addressing immediate emotional concerns, offering targeted interventions for rapid relief and emotional support.

Through this approach, individuals can experience notable improvements in their emotional well-being and coping mechanisms in a relatively short period. The primary objective of short-term EFT Therapy is to equip clients with practical tools and strategies to navigate their current emotional challenges effectively. By honing in on specific issues and utilising evidence-based techniques, such as emotion-focused techniques and cognitive restructuring, this therapy modality aims to bring about positive changes swiftly and efficiently.

Long-term Therapy (6+ Sessions)

Long-term EFT Therapy, extending beyond 6 sessions, allows for a deeper exploration of emotional issues, facilitating comprehensive healing and growth through sustained therapeutic interventions and support.

Unlike short-term therapies that focus on immediate symptom relief, long-term EFT Therapy provides the space for individuals to delve into the root causes of their emotional struggles, fostering a greater understanding of oneself and the patterns that shape their experiences. Through extended sessions, clients can build a strong therapeutic alliance with their counsellor, creating a safe environment for vulnerability and transformation.

This prolonged engagement can help individuals develop coping strategies, enhance self-awareness, and establish healthier ways of relating to themselves and others, leading to lasting emotional well-being and resilience. The long-term EFT Therapy journey aims to not just alleviate symptoms but to address underlying issues, paving the way for profound personal growth and profound healing.

Why Choose EFT Therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne?

Selecting EFT Therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne offers the advantages of a convenient location, experienced and certified therapists, and a personalised holistic approach, ensuring tailored support for emotional well-being.

Located in the heart of Newcastle Upon Tyne, EFT Therapy provides a central and easily accessible setting for individuals seeking emotional healing.

  • The therapists at this centre are not only highly experienced but also hold certifications in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), guaranteeing expert care.
  • By focusing on a personalised holistic approach, EFT Therapy considers the individual’s unique needs, crafting a treatment plan that addresses emotional challenges comprehensively.
  • This tailored support encompasses various aspects of well-being, facilitating a deeper healing process that goes beyond surface-level symptoms.

Convenient Location

EFT Therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne provides individuals with a convenient location for accessing emotional support, therapy, and mental health services, with a focus on promoting well-being within the community.

Nestled in the heart of this vibrant city, EFT Therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne functions as a safe haven for those seeking a nurturing environment to delve into their emotional well-being. The accessibility of such services plays a crucial role in ensuring that individuals can easily incorporate mental health care into their routines.

Conveniently located near public transport hubs and major landmarks, the centre offers a refuge for those looking to prioritize their emotional wellness without facing the challenges of a lengthy commute. In a bustling city like Newcastle Upon Tyne, having a dedicated space for mental health support can make a world of difference for residents seeking solace and guidance.

Experienced and Certified EFT Therapist

Choosing an experienced and certified EFT Therapist ensures individuals receive professional and effective emotional support, therapy, and interventions tailored to their specific needs and well-being.

Such therapists have undergone rigorous training and education to specialise in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), equipping them with advanced skills to identify root issues and facilitate healing. Their expertise enables them to create a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to explore their emotions and strengthen relationships. Certified EFT Therapists adhere to ethical guidelines and best practices, guaranteeing a high standard of care and confidentiality. By working with a qualified EFT Therapist, individuals can experience profound emotional transformations and long-lasting positive change.

Personalised and Holistic Approach

EFT Therapy in Newcastle Upon Tyne offers a personalised and holistic approach to emotional well-being, encompassing individualised support, diverse therapy options, and inclusive care for various emotional challenges.

The tailored support in EFT Therapy is designed to cater to the unique needs of each individual, ensuring a customised and effective treatment plan. This approach values the importance of addressing emotional well-being from a comprehensive perspective, taking into account the mind-body connection and promoting overall mental wellbeing through specialised techniques.

At the core of this therapy lies the commitment to providing inclusive care, creating a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their emotions without judgement and with the guidance of experienced therapists.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is EFT therapy and how can it help me?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) therapy is a form of energy psychology that combines elements of traditional therapy and acupressure. It involves tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on negative emotions or experiences. This helps to release blockages and restore emotional balance, leading to better coping mechanisms and improved well-being.

Is EFT therapy effective for everyone?

EFT therapy has been found to be effective for a wide range of issues, including anxiety, phobias, stress, and trauma. However, the results may vary from person to person. It is important to work with a trained EFT therapist who can tailor the techniques to your individual needs.

How long does an EFT therapy session last?

An EFT therapy session typically lasts for 60 minutes. However, the duration may vary depending on your individual needs and the complexity of the issues being addressed. It is important to allow enough time for a thorough exploration of your emotions and experiences.

Do I have to believe in EFT for it to work?

No, you do not have to believe in EFT for it to work. EFT is based on the principles of energy psychology and the tapping points used are based on the meridian system in the body. While having an open mind can certainly enhance the experience, the effectiveness of EFT has been proven through scientific research.

How many EFT therapy sessions will I need?

The number of EFT therapy sessions needed varies from person to person. Some people may see significant improvements after just a few sessions, while others may require more. Your progress will be regularly monitored and discussed, and together we will determine the best treatment plan for you.

Is EFT therapy suitable for children?

EFT therapy can be a powerful tool for children as well. However, it is important to work with a therapist who has experience in working with children and can tailor the techniques to their age and understanding. EFT can help children with issues such as anxiety, school-related stress, and behavioral problems.